twin popsicle ad

The first ice pop Popsicle was created by accident in 1905 when 11-year-old
Frank Epperson left a mixture of powdered soda, water, and a stirring stick in a 
cup on his porch in cold weather. That night, temperatures reached a record
low, and the next morning, Epperson discovered the drink had frozen to the
stick, creating the idea of a fruit-flavored ‘Popsicle.’ Eighteen years later in
in 1923, Epperson introduced his idea to the public at an amusement park in
Alameda, California. Seeing that it was a success, in 1924 Epperson applied
for a patent for his confectionery idea which he called the Epsicle ice pop. He
renamed it to Popsicle and sold the rights to a New York company in 1925.

frank epperson
Frank Epperson with his granddaughter


posted by Bob Karm in CLASSIC ADS,COMIC'S,DEBUT,FOOD,HISTORY and have No Comments

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