TVGUIDE with desi arnaz jr
Actor and musician, Desi Arnaz, Jr. is the son of entertainers
lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. His birth was one of the most
publicized in television history. Ball’s pregnancy was part
the storyline of the TV sitcom I Love Lucy. The same day
Lucy gave birth to Desi Jr.,the fictional Lucy Recardo gave
birth to “Little Ricky”. The child was shown on the cover
of the first TV Guide, shown above. 

desia arnaz, lucille ball & desi jr.
              Desia Arnaz and Lucille Ball with Desi Jr.

desi arnaz then
desi and sister
                 Desi Arnaz Jr. with sister Luci Arnaz

DesiArnazJr playing drums
                    Desi Arnaz Jr. playing the drums

posted by Bob Karm in BIRTHDAY,Comedy,HISTORY,TV and have Comments (5)

5 Responses to “DESI ARNAZ JR. IS NOW 58 TODAY”

  1. Donna Van Tassel says:

    Happy Birthday and many, many more

  2. martha Lugo says:

    They don’t look anything like their parents,And they haven”t done anything like their parents, Tooo Bad,Were are they now?

  3. Susan Fadden says:

    I am watching reruns of ‘I Love Lucy’, and they are wonderful. Lucy and Desi were talented, hard working and smart. They are lucky to have two lovely children, a blessing really.

  4. Kathy says:

    I first started watching I LOVE LUCY IN 1986. I was in college and it came on at 8 am. I had to drop my class I was so addicted to the show. It made me laugh so much. My girls watch it at college with their friends. Laughter is good for the soul! Thanks Lucy, Ricky, Fred and Ethel!!!! Forever you will live in our hearts though generations.

  5. Jess says:

    Mr.Arnaz, your parents were very repected actors and enjoyed by millions as i enjoyed them very much. Respect to you and your sister.

    BY the way i was born in January of 1955

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