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Mary Nell Steenburgen has starred in over fifty films spanning thirty years
of movie production. Her big break came when she was discovered by Jack
Nicholson who cast her as the lead in his second directorial production, the
1978 western Goin’ South. Mary’s third film in 1980 was Melvin and Howard
which earned her and Academy Award and a Golden Globe both for Best
Supporting Actress. She had a leading role in the 1979 film Time After Time
and made other appearances in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape in 1993 and she
was Doc Brown’s (Christopher Lloyd) love interest in Back to the Future Part lll.

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Christopher Lloyd and Mary Steenburgen in Back to the Future Part lll

melvin and howard  
          Mary in a scene from Melvin and Howard

posted by Bob Karm in BIRTHDAY,MOVIES and have No Comments

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