Image result for columbus day storm in portland oregon

The Columbus Day Storm system brought strong winds to the Pacific Northwest
and southwest Canada. It was linked to 46 fatalities in the northwest and
Northern California resulting from heavy rains and mudslides.

Radio and TV broadcasting was affected in the Portland, Oregon area with
downed transmission towers and loss of equipment.

The entire power distribution system had to be rebuilt from the ground up
in much of the area. Some locations did not have power restored for several

The Oregon Capitol grounds at Salem, and the state’s college campuses,
resembled battlefields with heavy losses of trees.

Image result for the columbus day storm damage in portland oregon 1962

Image result for the columbus day storm 

Image result for the columbus day storm damage in portland oregon 1962

Image result for columbus day storm in portland oregon 

Image result for the columbus day storm


           Image result for the columbus day storm

posted by Bob Karm in ANNIVERSARY,HISTORY,Natural disaster,Storm and have No Comments

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