Apollo 17 Splash Down Ends the Beginning of Lunar Exploration : r/nasa

50 Years Ago: Apollo 17 Splash Down Ends the Beginning of Lunar Exploration  - NASA

NASA looks back on the end of Project Apollo, while a UA astronaut looks  ahead to Artemis | Alabama Public Radio
Swimmers assist Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene A. Cernan,
left, Ronald E. Evans, and Harrison H. “Jack” Schmitt in
the life raft. (NASA Image)

The Apollo Lunar-Landing program came to an
end on December 19, 1972, when the last three
astronauts to travel to the moon splashed
down safely in the  Pacific Ocean.

Apollo 17 had lifted off from Cape Canaveral,
Florida 10 days before.


  Down like gangbusters,' 50 years ago splashdown of Apollo 17 marked end of  an era – San Diego Union-Tribune     

Apollo 17 at 50 - Revisit the last time humans were on the Moon - YouTube

Whatever Happened to Apollo 17's Moon Camera?

Apollo 17: The End of an Era | Full Episode

Apollo 17 at 50     
ESA - Apollo 17

Apollo 17 Gene Cernan prints

Apollo 17 Remains Unchallenged After Fifty Years | Lunar Reconnaissance  Orbiter Camera

posted by Bob Karm in ANNIVERSARY,Astronauts,Final,HISTORY,Mission,NASA,NEWSPAPER,SPACE,Splasdown and have No Comments

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