Archive for the 'Lunar first' Category


Luna 9: Lunar Landing – For All Moonkind Moon Registry

On February 3, 1966, the Soviet Union accomplished the first
controlled landing on the moon, when the unmanned spacecraft
Lunik 9 touches down on the Ocean of Storms.

After its soft landing, the circular capsule opened like a flower,
deploying its antennas, and began transmitting photographs
and television images back to Earth. The 220-pound landing
capsule was launched from Earth on January 31.

Lunik 9 was the third major lunar first for the Soviet space
program: On September 14, 1959, Lunik 2 became the first
manmade object to reach the moon when it impacted with
the lunar surface, and on October 7 of the same year Lunik
flew around the moon and transmitted back to Earth the
first images of the far side of the moon.

Luna 9 spacecraft lands on the moon... -

The Luna 9 Uncrewed Spacecraft Takes the First Photographs from the Surface  of the Moon : History of Information

The first views from the Moon’s surface taken by the Soviet
Luna 9  lander, captured on Feb. 4, 1966.

posted by Bob Karm in ANNIVERSARY,HISTORY,Lunar first,mOON,NEWSPAPER,Soviet Union and have No Comments