Illinois achieved full statehood on this day. Though Illinois
presented unique challenges to immigrants unaccustomed
to the soil and vegetation of the area, it grew to become a
bustling and densely populated state.
Illinois achieved full statehood on this day. Though Illinois
presented unique challenges to immigrants unaccustomed
to the soil and vegetation of the area, it grew to become a
bustling and densely populated state.
The modern United States receives its crowning star when
President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a proclamation
admitting Hawaii into the Union as the 50th state. The
president also issued an order for an American flag
featuring 50 stars arranged in staggered rows: five six-
star rows and four five-star rows. The new flag became
official July 4, 1960.
President Dwight Eisenhower helps unfurl the new 50-star
flag on Aug. 21, 1959 after signing a proclamation making
Hawaii the 50th state of the union. At right is Daniel K.
Inouye, Democratic congressman-elect from Hawaii.
On July 3, 1890, the Idaho Territory became the 43rd state
in the Union..
Exploration of the North American continent mostly proceeded
inward from the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and northward from
Spanish Mexico. Therefore, the rugged territory that would
become Idaho long remained untouched by Spanish, French,
British and American trappers and explorers. Even as late as
1805, Idaho Native Americans like the Shoshone had never
encountered Europeans.
Today is not not only Valentine’s Day, it also marks Oregon’s
birthday! The Beaver State turns 163 years old today!
The modern United States receives its crowning star when President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a proclamation admitting Hawaii into the
Union as the 50th state (above). The president also issued an order
for an American flag featuring 50 stars arranged in staggered rows:
five six-star rows and four five-star rows. The new U.S. flag became
official July 4, 1960.