BILL HALEY ~ JULY 6, 1925–FEBRUARY 9, 1981

rock arrives
bill haley later

posted by Bob Karm in ANNIVERSARY,DEATH,HISTORY,MUSIC and have Comments (4)

4 Responses to “BILL HALEY ~ JULY 6, 1925–FEBRUARY 9, 1981”

  1. souheila says:

    great rockabilly and western swing star ..he was the father of rock n roll

  2. souheila says:

    he was a great rockabilly and western swing star ..he died alone you have other photos of him before his death ..

  3. souheila says:

    he was great gentleman a rockabilly star the father of rock n roll

  4. Stefan says:

    I`ve been a Bill Haley fan for over 35 years now. In Germany Bill is still very popular. He`s known as the investigator of rock and roll. Even Elvis admired him.

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