The Green Hornet is a radio adventure series that introduced the character
of the Green Hornet, a masked vigilante. The series originated on WXYZ, the
same local Detroit station that originated companion shows The Lone Ranger
and Challenge of the Yukon. The Mutual network carried the show in 1938 and
the NBC Blue Network (later ABC) picked up the show in 1939 and aired until
1952 with reruns as late as 1954.
The character Green Hornet (Britt Reid) was played by: Al Hodge (1936-1943),
Donovan Faust (1943), Bob Hall (1945-1947), and Jack McCarthy (1947-1952).
Green Hornet cast members (L-R)Tokutaro Hayashi as Kato,
Al Hodge as Britt, and Jim Irwin as reporter Mike.
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