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Image result for the pilgrims landing

PLYMOUTH, Mass. (AP) –  Archaeologists have pinpointed what they think
is the exact spot where the Pilgrims lived in the years after landing in the
New World.

Every American schoolchild knows the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth in 1620,
but exactly where has been elusive.

Archeologists from the University of Massachusetts Boston tell The Boston
they have discovered what is believed to be part of the original
settlement, based on the discovery of a calf’s bones, musket balls, ceramics
and brownish soil where a wooden post once stood.

UMass-Boston professor David Landon says the discoveries are compelling
evidence that a sliver of the original settlement existed at what is known as
Burial Hill.

The curator of collections at the Plimoth Plantation says the discovery will
"absolutely change what we understand about that settlement.”

Image result for professor david landon
Professor David Landon excavating on Burial Hill
in Plymouth in 2014.

Image result for the pilgrims landing

posted by Bob Karm in Archaeologists,CURRENT EVENTS,HISTORY,HOLIDAY and have No Comments

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