I Led 3 Lives (also known as I Led Three Lives) is an drama series
syndicated by Ziv Television Programs from October 1, 1953,
to January 1, 1956. The series stars Richard Carlson. It was a
companion piece to the radio drama I Was a CommunistÂ
for the FBI, which dealt with a similar subject and was
also syndicated by Ziv from 1952 to 1954.
Cool here and I DO remember! Carlson played counterspy Herbert (Herb) Philbrick. The radio partner to this exciting weekly show was as stated above by the boss,(good job boss!) I Was A Communist for the FBI starring Dana Andrews. I actually preferred the radio version myself…..and if you needed more of this spy thriller, there was a movie version out in 1951 staring Frank Lovejoy and narrated by Frank Lovejoy and if you wanted popcorn or Milk Duds Frank would get them for you without missing a line!