A prehistoric projectile point and another prehistoric object known as a plummet were discovered in the stomach of a 13-foot, 5-inch Mississippi alligator.

(FoxNews) – A Mississippi wildlife processor made a startling
discovery when he found that an
alligator was carrying around
a 6,000-year-old
artifact (above) in its stomach.

Shane Smith, a processor and owner of Red Antler Processing,
took a look at the 13-foot alligator’s stomach after hearing
about a processor in South Carolina who discovered unusual
items in another gator. What he found blew him away: an
arrowhead and a plummet.

Smith first thought that the alligator could have eaten an arrow
that someone shot at it, but the plummet helped him realize that
it was likely something just laying around that the gator ate u. A Mississippi state geologist examined a photo of the arrowhead
and determined it was between 5,000 and 6,000 years old.

(From left) Jordan Hackl of Warrensburg, Illinois, John Hamilton of Raleigh, Todd Hollingsworth and Landon Hollingsworth, both of Mize, pose with an alligator they caught In Mississippi September 2, 2021. Artifacts dating as far back as an estimated 6000 BC were found in the alligator's stomach.
The 750-pound alligator that had the years old items found
in its stomach.

posted by Bob Karm in Allitator,Artifact,CURRENT EVENTS,Discovery,HISTORY,Wildlife and have No Comments

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