Clarence Darrow, left, and William Jennings Bryan at the
Scopes trial in 1925. (AP)
July 10, 1925: In Dayton, Tennessee, the so-called Scopes
Monkey Trial began with John Thomas Scopes, a young
high school science teacher, accused of teaching evolution
in violation of a Tennessee state law.
William Jennings Bryan, left, and Judge John Raulston.
Schoolteacher John Thomas Scopes, 24, of Dayton,
Tenn., stands before Judge Raulston just before he
was found guilty of teaching evolution and fined
$100 on July 21, 1925, at the end of the Scopes
Monkey Trial held at the Rhea County Courthouse
in Dayton.
The jury reads a guilty verdict against John Scopes.
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