1989: The night President Reagan said farewell | Babalú Blog
Farewell Address to the Nation | Ronald Reagan (

On this day in 1989, after eight years as president of the United
Ronald Reagan gave his farewell address to the American
people. In his speech, President Reagan spoke with particular enthusiasm about the foreign policy achievements of his

In his speech, Reagan declared that America “rediscovered” its commitment to world freedom in the 1980s. The United States
was “respected again in the world and looked to for leadership.”

The key, according to the president, was a return to “common
sense” that “told us that to preserve the peace, we’d have to
become strong again after years of weakness.”

The achievements of his administration gained him much favor
with the American public, and Ronald Reagan left office as one
of the most popular modern U.S. presidents.

Major Presidential Speeches - Second Term: 1985-1989 | Ronald Reagan

President Ronald Reagan gives his farewell address in 1989 - New York Daily News

We the people tell the government what to do, it doesn't tell us | Picture Quotes

posted by Bob Karm in Address,ANNIVERSARY,Farewell,HISTORY,POLITICAL,President and have No Comments

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