A King County Sheriff's Office K-9 team served search warrants which led to an arrest and a seizure of over 17 lbs. of drugs.{ } (Photo:{ }King County Sheriff's Office)

KING COUNTY, Wash. — A K-9 team with the King County Sheriff’s
Office was responsible for
busting a major drug trafficker where
they seized multiple pounds of drugs.

On Aug. 7, detectives from the Special Emphasis Team in Precinct
4 along with the assistance of members from Precincts 5 and 6
were able to serve search warrants in Auburn and SeaTac.

Authorities arrested a person in Auburn. With the help of K-9
Quinn, (above) they seized over 17 lbs. of multiple pounds of methamphetamine and a firearm.

posted by Bob Karm in CURRENT EVENTS,Drug bust,K-9,Law enforcement and have No Comments

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