Boom Supersonic's XB-1 aircraft during a test flight.

(FOX NEWS) – Boom Supersonic’s XB-1 aircraft broke the sound
barrier for the first time ever on Tuesday during a test blight,
ushering in a new era of supersonic flight.

The jet exceeded Mach 1 after taking off from the Mojave Air and
Space Port in California for its highly anticipated 12th test flight.

That marked the first time the XB-1 demonstrator aircraft, soaring
above 34,000 feet, has ever reached the staggering speed.

Boom Supersonic chief test pilot Tristan "Geppetto" Brandonburg
(below) flew the jet.

I’m a Boom supersonic test pilot – my day job is testing a new generation  of Concordes

Boom - FlyBy - Meet XB-1 Chief Test Pilot Tristan “Geppetto” Brandenburg

I've had more than a few “pinch me” moments in my professional career, but  the absolute coolest as of late was flying with @boomsupersonic's XB-1  Chief Test Pilot Tristan “Geppetto” Brandenburg in

Mojave Air and Space Port - Wikipedia
Mojave Air and Space Port.

posted by Bob Karm in AIRCRAFT,Aviation record,Aviator,CURRENT EVENTS,HISTORY,Sound Berrier and have No Comments

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