The Twilight Zone is a television anthology series created and hosted by
Rod Serling (above). The series aired on CBS until 1964. The title of the
first episode, ”Where is Everybody?”
The Twilight Zone is a television anthology series created and hosted by
Rod Serling (above). The series aired on CBS until 1964. The title of the
first episode, ”Where is Everybody?”
The Outer Limits series that aired on ABC-TV from 1963 to 1965. It is
often compared to The Twilight Zone, but with a greater emphasis on
science fiction, rather than simply bizarre or supernatural, stories. The
Outer Limits is an anthology of self-contained episodes.
Stars Pam Dawber and Robin Williams
Mork & Mindy is a science fiction sitcom that was televised until May 27, 1982
on the ABC network. The series was a spin-off from the ABC sitcom Happy Days
(1974-1984) and starred Williams as Mork, an alien from the planet Ork who is befriended by a human, played by Dawber. In 1997, the episode "Mork’s Mixed Emotions" was ranked #94 on TV Guide‘s 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time list.
Koenig is a actor, writer, teacher and director, remembered for portraying
Pavel Chekov in the original Star Trek and Alfred Bester in Babylon 5
(1993-1998). He wrote the script for the 2008 science fiction legal thriller
Walter Koenig was the first original cast member of Star Trek to write an
actual story for the series called “The Infinite Vulcan”.
HOUSTON — Space Center Houston is now the new home of the fully
restored Galileo Shuttlecraft that appeared in several episodes of the
original Star Trek TV series. It was officially unveiled Thursday morning.
The restoration project was a year-long effort, led by Adam and Leslie
Schneider along with Trek fans and memorabilia collectors.
Adam Schneider (left) applauds as actor Don Marshall is introduced to
unveil the “Galileo” shuttlecraft