Archive for the 'Medal of Honor' Category


Corporal Doss receiving the Medal of Honor from President Harry
S. Truman.

On this day in 1945, Army Private First Class Desmond T. Doss of Lynchburg,
Virginia, is presented the Congressional Medal of Honor for outstanding bravery
as a medical corpsman, the first conscientious objector in American history to
receive the nation’s highest military award.


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Desmond Thomas Doss (February 7, 1919 – March 23, 2006)

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The true story of hero Desmond Doss was made into a 2016

posted by Bob Karm in ANNIVERSARY,HISTORY,Medal of Honor,Medical,MILITARY,President and have No Comments


President Trump presents the Medal of Honor to Army veteran
James McCloughan during a brief but poignant White House
ceremony .

(AP) – President Trump on Monday presented the Medal of Honor to an Army
veteran who 48 years ago repeatedly risked his live to save 10 fellow soldiers
during a deadly days-long fight along Vietnam’s central coast.

In recognizing James McCloughan, now a 71-year-old retired schoolteacher
from Michigan, Trump recounted a gripping tale of selflessness and bravery,
sliding off script occasionally to emphasize just how hellish the battle was and
to marvel that McCloughan and the other Americans who survived managed
to overcome such extraordinary odds.

“He was one of 32 who fought until the end,” the president said, glancing at
McCloughan, who stood stoically a few steps to Trump’s right, “and they held
their ground against more than 2,000 enemy troops. Jim, I know I speak for
everyone here when I say we are in awe of your actions and your bravery.”

Army Pfc. James McCloughan in front of the Vietnam Regional
Exchange Snack Shop, 1969.

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posted by Bob Karm in CURRENT EVENTS,Hero,Medal of Honor,MILITARY,President,WAR and have No Comments