Archive for the 'Search' Category


File:Stanley meets Livingstone cropped.JPG - Wikimedia Commons

Journalist Henry Morton Stanley began his famous search
through Africa for the missing British explorer Dr. David

In the late 19th century, Europeans and Americans were
fascinated by the continent of Africa. Few did more to
increase Africa’s fame than Livingstone, one of the United
Kingdom’s most famous explorers.

In August 1865, he set out on a planned two-year expedition
to find the source of the Nile River. Livingstone also wanted
to help bring about the abolition of the slave trade, which
was devastating Africa’s population.

Almost six years after his expedition began, little had been
heard from Livingstone. James Gordon Bennett, Jr., editor
of the New York Herald, decided to capitalize on the public’s
craze for news of the explorer. He sent Stanley to lead an
expedition into the African wilderness to find Livingstone
or bring back proof of his death.

Henry Morton Stanley
Henry Morton Stanley
(1841 – 1904)

David Livingstone, Scottish missionary and explorer - Stock Image -  C040/9664 - Science Photo Library
David Livingstone (1813 – 1873)

The Livingstone–Stanley Monument at
Mugere in Burundi, Africa.

posted by Bob Karm in ANNIVERSARY,Explorer,HISTORY,Search and have No Comments


Image result for amelia earhart in 1937
Amelia Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan.

(National Geographic) – Four bone-sniffing dogs that were brought to the remote
Pacific island of Nikumaroro to search for traces of Amelia Earhart have identified
a spot where the pioneering aviator may have died 80 years ago.

The dogs, four border collies named Marcy, Piper, Kayle, and Berkeley , arrived
on the island on June 30 as part of an expedition sponsored by The International
Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR) and the National Geographic

Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, disappeared on July 2, 1937, on their
way to Howland Island — 350 nautical miles northeast of Nikumaroro along the
line of position that Earhart outlined in her last confirmed radio transmission.

Image result for amelia earhart in 1937
Earhart stands in front of the Lockheed Electra she was flying
when she vanished in 1937.

posted by Bob Karm in AIRCRAFT,ANNIVERSARY,Aviation disaster,Aviation record,CURRENT EVENTS,News release,Search and have No Comments