One of the most popular Saturday night variety shows
was THE JACKIE GLEASON SHOW, starring Jackie
Gleason with Art Carney and the June Taylor Dancers.
The show premiered on CBS, September 20, 1952. It
ran till June 22,1957. Comedy skits included Jackie
as Joe the Bartender, Reginald Van Gleason III and
The Poor Soul.”THE HONEYMOONERS” was such
a popular feature of the show that the variety format
was suspended and regular half-hour shows starring
Gleason, Art Carney, Audrey Meadows and Joyce
Randolph began a run in 1955. Now that was TV!
Tags: Art Carney, Audrey Meadows, bartenderjackiegleason, CBS, GLEASON, gleasonasthepoorsoul, gleasons-the-poor-soul, HONEYMOONERS, jackie-gleason-show-and-the-june-taylor-dancers, jackie-gleason-the-poor-soul, jackiegleasonandpoorsoul, jackiegleasonbartender, jackiegleasonpoorsoul, Joe, June Taylor Dancers, junetaylordancers, Reginald Van Gleason, THE, The Poor Soul, TV
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