Kenneth Ronald "Ken" Berry is a dancer, comedic actor as well as a
singer. He began on stage as a dancer and later starred in television
sitcoms such as his portrayal of Captain Wilton Parmenter on ABC’s
F Troop (1965-1967).
posted by Bob Karm in BIRTHDAY,Dance,MILITARY,MOVIES,Sitcom,Stage,THEN AND NOW,TV and have Comments (8)
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I know Ken from his many years of his guest starring turns on Carol Burnett and Mama’s Family which my father Harvey Korman appeared on.Ken is a perfect example of an Artists getting type cast.Most people don’t know that Ken Started off as a dancer with the Billy Barnes revue along with Michelle Lee and Bert Convy.The fact is Ken Berry is one of the greatest song and dance men around and if he had been given the chance to prove that he would be mentioned with Astaire and Kelly Today.The only thing that superceeds his talents is his humility,grace,and integrity.Its been a privaledge and honor to say I got to know the icon Ken Berry.
I was always impressed with Ken Berry from time I was very little. Always had a mad crush on him. He just conducted himself with such grace at all times, madly talented as well.
I had such a huge crush on Ken Berry when ‘F Troop’ first came on in 1964, I was 3 years old, and watched it up to 1967, such a fun, funny, delightful and very talented actor, loved watching him, even now I’m watching him on ‘F Troop’, still have a huge crush on Ken Berry and fun memories!!
I grew up watching his performances on various shows. F Troop is being shown on Me TV here in Miami, and I couldn’t be happier! Happy Birthday, Mr. Berry! Thanks for the memories!
Ken Berry is a great multi-talented person, who brings much joy and smiles in my life. I try, never to miss any of the re-runs of his show. Ditto- Forrest Tucker
How could I not mention the great Larry Storch
Ken Berry was fantastic on every show I saw him on. F Troop was so far ahead of its time. It was a great show. I loved how the indians would call him The Great White Pigeon. Always love when I see that show on reruns.
Mr Berry, I hope everything is well.I tried to contact you in the past to give you some pictures when you danced with my mom Nancy Struve in Rock Island /Moline. There are even some pictures of you as a kid during Halloween. Take care, If you would like to contact me I’m sure Mom would get a kick out of it.