OrHi 90687
Glenn L. Jackson was one of Oregon’s most influential
figures. He was a businessman who was appointed to
The Oregon State Highway Commission by Governor
Mark Hatfield in 1959. Jackson became chairman of
the commission in 1962. He died in 1980 at age 78. 

glenn jackson bridge 2
glenn jackson bridge
The Glenn Jackson Memorial Bridge spans the Columbia
River and carries I-205 traffic between Portland, Oregon
and Vancouver, Washington. It opened in December of

posted by Bob Karm in HISTORY,PORTLAND'S PAST,Transportation and have Comment (1)

One Response to ““MR. OREGON” ~ GLENN JACKSON”

  1. Marilyn says:

    I was so great to find your blog and something about Glenn Jackson. He owned a ranch in the Lake Creek Area early 1960 and I was looking for some information on him. Thanks again.

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