Virginia marks pivotal moment when enslaved Africans arrived 400 years ago | WJLA

On or about August 20, 1619, “20 and odd” Angolans, kidnapped
by the Portuguese, arrived in the British colony of Virginia and
are then bought by English colonists.

The exact date is not definitively known (a letter from the time
identified the ship’s arrival coming in "the latter part of August"),
but this date has been chosen by many to
mark the arrival of the enslaved Africans in the New World—beginning two and a half
centuries of
slavery in North America.

Slave Resistance Primary Sources

Much of what we've been told about Virginia's 1619 first Africans is wrong - Virginia Mercury

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On This Day In History, The First enslaved Africans arrived in Jamestown, setting the stage for ...

posted by Bob Karm in African American,ANNIVERSARY,HISTORY,Kidnap,Slavery and have No Comments

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