Remade for the 21st Century - WSJ

Brace Beemer, center, with The Lone Ranger cast in the
WXYZ studios.

With the stirring notes of the William Tell Overture and a shout
of “Hi-yo, Silver! Away!” "
The Lone Ranger" debuts on Detroit’s
WXYZ radio station on January 31, 1933.

The creation of station-owner George Trendle and writer Fran
Striker, the “masked rider of the plains” became one of the most
popular and enduring western heroes of the 20th century.

Joined by his trusty steed, Silver, and Native American scout,
Tonto, the Lone Ranger battled western outlaws and rebel
Native Americans.

The Lone Ranger Official Seal – ahgs.org

Home Of The Mask - Oxford, Michigan Home of the Radio Lone Ranger

Fred Foy's 'Lone Ranger' lead-in became the best-known introduction in radio history.

Fred Foy’s ‘Lone Ranger’ lead-in became the best-known introduction in radio history. He died of natural causes
in 2010 at age 89.

posted by Bob Karm in Actors,ANNIVERSARY,Broadcasting,CLASSIC ADS,DEBUT,HISTORY,RADIO and have No Comments

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