Mount Vernon Magazine – Washington's Unanimous Election

George Washington, the commander of the Continental Army
during the Revolutionary War, was
unanimously elected the
first president of the United States by all 69 presidential
electors who cast their votes.

John Adams of Massachusetts, who received 34 votes, was
elected vice president. The electors, who represented 10 of
the 11 states that had ratified the U.S.
Constitution, were
chosen by popular vote, legislative appointment, or a
combination of both four weeks before the election.

DidYouKnow that on this day in 1789, John Adams was sworn in as the first vice  president of the United States? #NoLabels #JohnAdams #FirstVicePresident

President George Washington | American Battlefield Trust
RetroNewsNow on X: "On February 4, 1789, George Washington was unanimously  elected the first President of the United States by the Electoral College  with 69 electoral votes. John Adams was elected the

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