Archive for March 18th, 2025


The Tri-State Tornado – 1925 – Devastating Disasters

The worst tornado in U.S. history passed through eastern
Missouri, southern Illinois, and southern Indiana, killing
695 people, injuring some 13,000 people, and causing $17
million in property damage.

Known as the Tri-State Tornado,” the deadly twister began
its northeast track in Ellington, Missouri, but wreaked its
worst damage in southern Illinois. More than 500 of the total
695 people who perished were killed there, including 234 in
Murphysboro and 127 in West Frankfort.

March 18, 1925: Deadly Tri-State tornado sweeps through Southern Illinois | Local News ...

Tri-State Tornado of 1925 was deadliest in U.S. history - The Washington Post

Remember When: Tri-State Tornado of 1925 | amUSIngArtifacts

Benchmarks: March 18, 1925: Tri-state twister kills 695 people

posted by Bob Karm in ANNIVERSARY,DEATH,HISTORY,Storm,Tornado and have No Comments