From left to right: Sir Hugh Beaver, the first Guinness World Records book, Ross and Norris McWhirter, Norris McWhirte today.
On August 27, 1955, the first edition of “The Guinness Book of Records” is published in Great Britain; it quickly proves to be a hit. Now known as the “Guinness World Records” book, the annual publication features a wide
range of feats related to humans and animals.
The inspiration for the record book can be traced to November 1951, when
Sir Hugh Beaver, managing director of the Guinness Brewery (founded in
Dublin in 1759), was on a hunting trip in Ireland. After failing to shoot a
golden plover, Beaver and the members of his hunting party debated
whether the creature was Europe’s fastest game bird but were unable
to locate a book with the answer.
Thinking that patrons of Britain’s pubs would enjoy a record book which
could be used to settle friendly disagreements, Beaver decided to have
one produced. He hired twin brothers Norris and Ross McWhirter, the
founders of a London-based agency that provided facts and statistics
to newspapers and advertisers.
The fastest game bird is the golden plover (below), in case you were