On March 29, 1982, A 19-year-old North Carolina freshman Michael Jordan makes a 16-foot jump shot with 15 seconds left to give the
Tar Heels a 63-62 win over Georgetown for the NCAA Tournament championship. "To tell the truth," Jordan tells reporters in New
Orleans afterward, "I didn’t see it go in. I didn’t want to look."
The winning shot cements Jordan in the national consciousness,
and he goes on to become one of the greatest basketball players
in history, winning six NBA titles with the Chicago Bulls.
Michael Jeffrey Jordan (MJ) turned 62 in February.
March 27, 1912: In Washington, D.C., Helen Taft, wife of
President William Taft, and the Viscountess Chinda, wife
of the Japanese ambassador, plant two Yoshino cherry
trees on the northern bank of the Potomac River, near
the Jefferson Memorial.
The event commemorated a gift, by the Japanese of some
3,020 cherry trees to the U.S. government.
The planting of Japanese cherry trees along the Potomac
was first proposed by socialite Eliza Scidmore, who raised
money for the endeavor.
Helen Taft had lived in Japan while her husband was the
president of the Philippine Commission, and knowing
the beauty of cherry blossoms she embraced Scidmore’s
After learning of the first lady’s interest, the Japanese
consul in New York suggested making a gift of the trees
to the U.S. government from the city of Tokyo.
Helen and William Taft
The Mayor of Tokyo Yukio Ozaki gave the US capital 3,000
cherry blossom trees as a gift to celebrate the friendship between the US and Japan. The cherry blossom is the
national flower of Japan.
The U.S. Postal Service unveiled the "Betty White Forever Stamp" on Thursday during a ceremony at the Los Angeles
Zoo and Botanical Gardens.