Cracker Jack is a brand of snack food well known for being
packaged with a prize of trivial value inside.
The Cracker Jack name and slogan, "The More You Eat The
More You Want", were registered in 1896. Some food
historians consider Cracker Jack to be the first junk food.
The origin of sugar-coated popcorn with a mixture of peanuts
is unknown, but periodicals document its manufacture and
sale in North America as far back as the early 19th century.
The Freeport, Illinois Daily Journal newspaper published on
January 29, 1857, for example, contains an advertisement by
a local merchant selling sugar-coated popcorn.
The Cracker Jack brand has been owned and marketed by
Frito-Lay since 1997.
1918 Cracker Jack ad asking readers to enlist in the Navy.
Eating Cracker Jack would save valuable sugar and wheat
for the war effort .