This is the first Coca-Cola bottle sold to the public, launched in 1894. :  r/interestingasfuck

Though today there is almost nothing as ubiquitous as a bottle
of Coca-Cola, this was not always the case. For the first several
years of its existence, Coke was only available as a fountain
drink, and its producer saw no reason for that to change.

Originally developed as a non-addictive substitute for morphine,
then marketed as a non-alcoholic "temperance drink," Coca-Cola
was invented by John Pemberton, a druggist in Columbus,
Georgia, in 1886.

In 1915, the bottlers put out a call for a new design, one so
distinctive that one could recognize it if it were in pieces on
the ground or by feeling it in the dark. The winning design,
produced by the Root Glass Company of Terre Haute, Indiana,
gave the world the iconic contoured bottle we know today.

John Stith Pemberton & the Invention of ...

 Dr. John Stith Pemberton  

Coca Cola invented by John Pemberton is sold at Jacob's Pharmacy, Atlanta  on this date in 1886, as a medicine, a brain tonic that would cure  headaches, relieve exhaustion. The first ad

Inventor Monday: John Pemberton - Davison

posted by Bob Karm in ANNIVERSARY,Beverage,Bottles,HISTORY,Inventor and have No Comments


US Army Corps Of Engineers |

On March 11, 1779, Congress established the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers
to help plan, design and prepare environmental
and structural facilities for the U.S. Army.

Made up of civilian workers, members of the Continental Army
French officers, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers played
an essential role in the critical
Revolutionary War battles at
Bunker Hill, Saratoga and Yorktown.

                          Headquarters U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Army corps of engineers, Us army corps of engineers ...

Mississippi River improvements made by the Corps of
Engineers in 1890.

posted by Bob Karm in ANNIVERSARY,Congress,Established,HISTORY,U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and have No Comments


Douglas MacArthur - Wikipedia

General Douglas MacArthur left the Philippines on March 11,
1942, by PT boat during World War II. He was ordered to
leave by President Franklin D. Roosevelt after the Japanese
took control of the Philippines.

MacArthur promised to return and liberate the Philippines,
which he did in October 1944.

Pilipinas Retrostalgia - Today in Philippine History FEBRUARY 22, 1942 President  Roosevelt to MacArthur: GET OUT OF THE PHILIPPINES (Photo shows General  Douglas Macarthur and President Franklin D. Roosevelt) ______ On this
Gen. MacArthur (left) with President Franklin D. 
Why Did MacArthur Wait for Japan to Strike First?
On this date in 1964, General of the... - MacArthur Memorial | Facebook

Douglas MacArthur (26 January 1880 – 5 April 1964)

posted by Bob Karm in ANNIVERSARY,HISTORY,MILITARY,President and have No Comments


Lawrence Welk's Family Says He Never Forgot His Roots (Exclusive) | Closer  Weekly

Lawrence Welk's improbable journey from North Dakota to stardom

Lawrence Welk Is Dead: Confession of a Bad Daughter | by The Good Men  Project | A Parent Is Born | Medium

On March 11, 1903, musician and band leader Lawrence Welk 
was born.

For the generation that grew up on the big bands of the 1930s
and ’40s, The Lawrence Welk Show was a blessed island of
calm in a world gone mad for rock and roll, and it aired like
clockwork every Saturday night from 1955 to 1982.

When ABC dropped The Lawrence Welk Show in 1971, Welk independently arranged a syndication deal that kept him on
the air for another 11 years and made him one of the richest
entertainers in America.

The Lawrence Welk Show (1955)

The Lawrence Welk Show - Twin Cities PBS

Lawrence Welk Fans


Lawrence Welk – With A-One And A-Two – 2 x Vinyl (LP, Compilation, Stereo),  [r13197004] | Discogs

posted by Bob Karm in Band Leader,BIRTHDAY,HISTORY,MUSIC,TV GUIDE,TV series and have No Comments


Cops' Revival at Fox Nation to Debut in September

On March 11, 1989, "Cops," a documentary-style television
series that follows police officers and sheriff’s deputies as
they go about their jobs, debuted on Fox. "Cops" went on
to become one of the longest-running shows in television
history. It went off the air in 2020.

The show, which was created by John Langley and Malcolm
Barbour, was a pioneer in reality television. Crews with
camcorders followed law enforcement officers on patrol,
tracking down suspects and making arrests.

With its widely recognized theme song, “Bad Boys” by the
reggae group Inner Circle, "Cops" had spawned numerous
imitators in addition to parody shows.

John Langley, a Creator of the TV Series 'Cops,' Dies at 78 - The New York  Times
John Russell Langley (June 1, 1943 – June 26, 2021)

Cops' TV Series Canceled After 31 Years In Wake Of Protests | iHeart

Gulfport police to be on 'COPS' TV episode | Biloxi Sun Herald

Cops' Finds New Home on Spike TV

Not Just "Cops": Culture Industry Must End Anti-Black Content

Cops TV series canceled after 31 years in wake of protests

posted by Bob Karm in ANNIVERSARY,DEBUT,HISTORY,Law enforcement,Reality show,TV series and have No Comments