The Ford Model T No. 2 was the first vehicle to cross the finish line
From left: driver Bert Scott and mechanic James Smith were in the second
car to arrive in Seattle, Washington and ultimately win the race.
On June 23, 1909, a Ford automobile arrived in Seattle from New York City in
23 days flat, completing one of the very early transcontinental automobile races
across North America. This Model T Ford arrives first but is later disqualified
because the drivers changed the axle during the race. The winner, the second
to arrive, is a Shawmut. The race was part of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition
Initially as many as 35 autos were entered in the race, but when it started in New
York City on June 1, 1909, at 3:00 p.m., the exact moment that President Taft
officially opened the race, only six vehicles crossed the start line. They were an
Itala, Shawmut, Acme, Stearns, and two Model T Fords.