Ken Osmond best known for his role as Eddie Haskell on the original Leave
it to Beaver TV sitcom which ran on CBS from October 4, 1957, to 1958 and
then on ABC from 1958 to June 20, 1963. After his child acting career, Ken
served 18 years as an officer with the Los Angeles Police Department joining
in 1970 (below). During his time on the force, he worked in vice, in narcotics
and as a motorcycle officer. He was placed on disability and eventually retired
after being wounded while in a foot pursuit with a suspected car thief.
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I bet his wife Sandy has always been proud of him.
Morning. Is this for Ken as Eddie Haskull I hope it is I like too know why he is not writing me back did I say something wrong too him if I did I’m deeply sorry & if I didn’t well I’m happy I love all people but they don’t know. Ken sent me his young Eddie color sine photo too me awoke back. All my Love too ya Ken. Love Mimi Rubinelli
Stalking is a serious crime..
That’s funny…