Bobby Darin was the subject of the NBC-TV show.
The salvation Army is a charitable organization founded in 1865 in London by
one-time Methodist circuit–preacher William Booth. Originally known as the East
London Christian Mission, in 1878 Booth reorganized the mission, becoming its
first General and introducing the military structure which has been retained to
the present day. The current world leader of The Salvation Army is General
André Cox, who was elected by the High Council of The Salvation Army on
August 3, 2013.
William Booth (10 April 1829 – 20 August 1912)
André Cox, General of The Salvation Army.
The Ford Model A was the second huge success for the Ford Motor Company,
after its predecessor, the Model T. It was first produced on October 20, 1927,
but didn’t go on sale until December 2. This new Model A was available in four
standard colors. By February 4, 1929, one million Model As had been sold,
and by July 24, two million.
From left: Car manufacture Henry ford with his son edsel.