JANE RUSSELL (JUNE 21, 1921–FEB. 28, 2011)

jane-russell then

jane-russell later

Jane Russell was one of Hollywood’s leading sex symbols in the 1940s and
1950s. She Moved from the Midwest to California, where she had her first film
role in 1943 with The Outlaw, a western film, directed by Howard Hughes. In 1947, Russell delved into music before returning to films. After starring in multiple films
in the 1950s, Russell again returned to music while completing several other
films in the 1960s. She starred in over 20 films throughout her career.

jane-russell outlaw 2
Promotional photos of Jane Russell from The Outlaw (1943)

posted by Bob Karm in BIRTHDAY,DEATH,HISTORY,MOVIES,PROMOTIONS and have Comment (1)

One Response to “JANE RUSSELL (JUNE 21, 1921–FEB. 28, 2011)”

  1. Dennis White says:

    Trying to find some information on Jane Russell doing a charity event in PDX about 1966-1967

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