The original Kingsmen in 1963 from left: Don Gallucci, Jack
Ely, Lynn Easton, Mike Mitchell, and Bob Nordby.
The FBI lab reported that it could not determine the lyrics to "Louie Louie."
A rumor that the lyrics were intentionally slurred by the Kingsmen—to cover up
the alleged fact that they were laced with profanity, graphically depicting sex
between the sailor and his lady, were circulated among teens and the song was
banned on many radio stations and in the country, including Indiana, where is
was personally prohibited by then Governor Matthew Welsh.
These actions were all taken despite the small matter that practically no one
could distinguish the actual lyrics. Denials of chicanery by Kingsmen and Ely
did not stop the controversy. The FBI started a 31-month investigation into the
matter and concluded they were "unable to interpret any of the wording in the