On this day in 1974, President Richard Nixon announced that he
would resign the following day.
The Great Train Robbery is the name given to a $45 million train
robbery committed on this day in 1963 at Bridego Railway.
Arrests soon followed the robbery. Here three men are taken to a
police van at Linslade Court House, Buckinghamshire, after being remanded in custody in late August 1963.
Gang member Bruce Reynolds, pictured here circa 1963 on
the left with his wife Frances, Barbara Daly and brother-in-
law John Daly. Daly was arrested but released due to lack
of evidence.
It was on this day in 1942.
Actor Dustin Lee Hoffman is 81 today. He was born in
Los Angeles, California.
Dustin Hoffman won the Academy Award for Best Actor in
1980 for Kramer vs. Kramer, and in 1989 for Rain Man. He
also played leading roles in the films Midnight Cowboy
(1969) and Tootsie (1982). Hoffman had his breakthrough
role as Benjamin Braddock in the 1967 classic film The
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